Colors are are very important in every aspect of photography and Flora is absolutely no exception! However, there is one color in Flora which seems to be overlooked, mostly because of its abundance. And that is Mrs. GREEN. (…not Rachel Green from Friends sitcom ;-)) Green is not even a...
Month: May 2020
Red bow | Červená mašľa
I have plenty of photo sessions in my library, which I (unfortunately) had not time to share and I have always felt pity for that – but I think this our new blog is the right place to revisit them! This is one of them and Kristýna is for...
Monochromatic | Monochromaticky
First things first – if you are not sure what monochromatic means – here’s a short definition: monochromatic comes from the Greek word “monos” meaning one, and “khroma” meaning color. Simply said, monochromatic images are images (mostly) in one color only or in a very similar tone/hue/shade of that...
Folklore love | Folklórna láska
Sú to už dlhé roky, čo nežijem na Slovensku, ale nech to znie akokoľvek gýčovito, mám ho pevne v srdci - mám tam stále tých naj najbližších a to žiadna vzdialenosť nemôže zmeniť. Viem, že vo svete Slovensko málokto pozná, že si nás mýlia so Slovinskom a že sme...
Polarized | Polarizačne
If you don’t know what to do at home, then grab your transparent plastic forks, spoons, knifes or champagne flutes and get creative! Two more things you will need – your polarizer filter (yep, that one you usually use outdoor for landscape photography) and any kind of LCD screen....