Monochromatic | Monochromaticky

monochromatic flower picture flora online course
Anne Seminara

First things first – if you are not sure what monochromatic means – here’s a short definition: monochromatic comes from the Greek word “monos” meaning one, and “khroma” meaning color.
Simply said, monochromatic images are images (mostly) in one color only or in a very similar tone/hue/shade of that color.

Monochromatic images are very powerful, so it is not a surprise that monochromatic flower images look even more amazing!

How to take monochromatic flora pictures? There are two simple ways:
1) GET CLOSER – and fill your frame only with that one particular flower or its petals only
2) WORK ON YOUR BACKGROUND – and use the color matching your flower. And by matching we mean the same color

Simple, right? 😉

Pictures explain the monochromatic topic the best so see the gallery below – beautiful monochromatic work of our dear students from our PHOTOGRAPHING FLORA online photo classes. Really impressive!

And what do our students say about Photographing Flora class?

Mika Geiger wrote:
This has been an eye-opening class. Watching Patrik’s critiques has been invaluable, with his kind encouragement and clear guidance for improvement. I hear his voice in my head sometimes now when I take photos! I also learned a lot and gained inspiration from my classmates. I agree with others that I’d love this class to be 6-8 weeks. This is a fantastic class and I’m learning so much from everyone in it. I will probably take it again. Still so much to try!

Jean McG wrote:
Looking through all the lessons we worked on the last few weeks, one of the most valuable lessons I learned is to try new ways of approaching a flora photo, from just a different point of view to freezing flowers in ice! I’m looking forward to a happy summer filled with more creative photos as Mother Nature treats us with an ever-changing selection of plants and flowers. Thank you for teaching us the possibilities!

Acelina Ducey wrote:
Hi Patrick, I just wanted to thank you and Monika for the great class. I learned so much in so little time. Seeing everyone’s pictures and listening to your critiques really helps us open our eyes for all the possibilities. When I saw your bonus lesson, I was like “get out” so I can use my old zenit lens! This is great! Thank you again for such a great class and after practicing a bit I plan to take your class again!

Vangie wrote:
Thank you, Monika and Patrik, Your style of teaching is so much fun and enjoyable. There are lots of things to learn but not enough time to do it! I wish you can change it to 6 weeks! Your video critiques are most helpful. I learned quite a few techniques from your suggestions by listening to your critiques from my classmate’s works.

Donna Sturla wrote:
Patrik and Monica, Thank you so much for this class, it has really challenged me. I couldn’t do every single part of each lesson, but I know I can go back and re-read and have new ideas. Your critiques were WONDERFUL ! Thank you !


We are looking forward to meeting you!

Patrik and Monika

Tak pekne po poriadku – ak si nie ste istí, čo to vlastne monochromaticky znamená – tu je krátka definícia: toto slovo pochádza z gréckeho slova “monos” – iba jeden a “khroma” – farba. Jednoducho povedané, monochromatické zábery sú zábery v jednej farbe, alebo zvyčajne v rôznych odtieňoch jednej a tej istej farby.
Monochromatické fotografie sú veľmi pôsobivé a tak nie je žiadnym prekvapením, že aj monochromatické zábery flory vyzerajú úžasne!

Ako nafotíte takéto monochromatické fotografie? Tu sú dva jednoduché tipy:

1) CHOĎTE BLIŽŠIE – a vyplňte celý rám fotografie iba jedným kvetom resp. iba jeho lupeňmi
2) PRACUJTE S POZADÍM – a zlaďte ho vo farbe fotografovaného kvetu

Jednoduché, no nie?

A keďže ukážkové fotografie vysvetlia túto tématiku najlepšie, pozrite si našu zakvitnutú galériu – nádherné monochromatické fotografie študentov nášho online fotokurzu FOTOGRAFUJEME FLORU. Naozajstná nádhera!

A čo o našom kurze hovoria jeho absolventi?

Darja Nezvalová
Moc vám zas a znova děkuju za úžasný přístup, náměty, podnety, inspiraci, milá hodnocení, prostě jste super. Máte velky podíl na tom, že mě focení tak baví!!

Tomáš Feller:
Já mám hodně zkušeností s kurzy v úplně jiné oblasti a několikrát jsem si ověřil, že kurz je takový, jací jsou lektoři. A u kurzu “Fotografujeme floru” (ale nejen u tohoto) to jsou Monika a Patrik. Víc by nebylo třeba dodávat, protože jsou oba skvělí fotografové a zároveň pohodoví a moc milí lidé. Ale přesto přidávám hodnocení tohoto kurzu: Je to úžasný kurz, perfektně připravené a čtivé lekce se spoustou nápadů a velkým množstvím inspirativních fotek, které nikoho nenechají lenošit – prostě to musíte zkusit taky vyfotit!

Iva Ullrichová:
I já jsem si to tady v kurzu moc a moc užila; cítila jsem se s vámi všemi skvěle, byli jsme super parta, spolužáci i instruktoři. Děkuji a taky už se těším snad na shledanou.

Peter Stin:
Ahojte, ďakujem za skvelú spoločnosť v kurze Flory. Práve vidieť vaše zábery ma inšpiruje pokračovať ďalej. Ďakujem za skvelé pripomienky a hodnotenia Monike a Patrikovi, bolo to znovu poučné a veľa mi to dalo. A teším sa na ďalšie stretnutia!

Pridajte sa do nášho online kurzu FOTOGRAFUJEME FLORU tu.

Tešíme sa na vás!

Patrik a Monika

1 Comment

  1. […] by the way – previously on our blog we discussed MONOCHROMATIC images -see here – so this is actually still very valid – only this time in one specific (green) color […]


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