5 minutes photoshoot | 5 minútové fotenie (part2)

5 minutes photo shoot with ferns as background pixien photo workshops butterfly

While raining, we were hiding in the car first and then we quickly ran to a nearby coffee place to have some lemonade and ice cream while waiting for an intensive 20 minute long summer storm to stop. It was almost time for Ema’s parents to arrive so we really only had a few minutes (again) for a small photography improvisation. After the rain it was wet everywhere and the only dry place was next to a building wall, where apartment balconies covered the area filled with small pebbles. Well, it wasn’t easy to lay on them, but Ema was really doing great for a few moments and we took several shots. She changed her dress for a strapless t-shirt and short jeans and I put a few not-the-nicest-and-really-tacky butterflies into her hair – but they really matched the pebbles and I think they added to an overall look. Plus, sun was just above the horizon and the light was gorgeous, so our next 5 minutes photoshoot was really worth it! 😉  

Read “5 minutes photoshoot | 5 minútové fotenie (part1)” HERE


5 minutes photo shoot with ferns as background pixien photo workshops butterfly

Z auta, kam sme sa najprv schovali, sme prebehli do cukrárne a pri limonáde a zmrzline sme prečkali asi 20 minútový intenzívny dážď. Blížil sa čas, kedy Emu mali vyzdvihnúť jej rodičia a tak zostávalo len ďalších pár minút na malú fotografickú improvizáciu. Všade bolo po daždi mokro a tak ako jediné suché miesto zostával kúsok zeme pri bytovom dome chránený balkónmi a vysypaný drobnými kamienkami. Ležanie na nich nebolo ani trochu pohodlné, ale Ema hrdinsky vydržala aspoň chvíľu a opäť sme urobili pár záberov. Šaty si prezliekla za tričko bez ramienok a krátke jeansy a do vlasov som jej naukladala nie úplné pekné a celkom gýčové motýle, ale ladili s kamienkami a svetlo pomaly zapadajúceho slnka nízko nad horizontom bolo fakt krásne, takže to za ďalšie 5 minútové fotenie stálo 🙂

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