Vibes | Vibrácie

Vibes-Creative Portrait

I love photo sessions full of surprises and this was one of them! Ondro’s mom Bára is my very good friend and even though I never met Ondro before, I have seen him many times on her pictures. I was really glad when they both agreed to get in front of my camera! Patrik found and negotiated access to this location and even I knew a bit of what to expect seeing pictures on their web before, it was a surprise too. And our styling selection went along the lines “bring whatever you think could work and we’ll see”. I was excited to find a hoodie with the word VIBES in big letters and headphones in their bag – luckily both with green details! We didn’t use it during the whole session, but as part of it and as you can see on the pictures, also both the location itself but mainly Ondřej were fantastic. Somebody is just natural and photogenic in front of the camera! The whole place had a mix of different walls, structures, windows, artificial light and colors, so photographing there was really a challenge, my fingers were constantly moving as I was changing my settings all the time, but I enjoyed it tremendously, because I love to improvise and I have tried to maximize my opportunity – his amazing face, props, different backgrounds, walls, quality of the light… Good vibrations!!!

This was a session for my online photo course PORTRAIT CREATIVELY – if you like portraits and you enjoy being creative, to improvise and to try new things – this course will give you plenty of that, trust me 😉 We are starting May 1 – join us HERE!

Vibes-Creative Portrait

Mám rada fotenia plné prekvapení a toto je jedno z nich! Ondrova mama Bára je moja dobrá kamarátka a hoci Ondřeja som pred fotením nepoznala, vídavala som ho na jej fotkách a potešilo ma, keď obaja súhlasili, že sa postavia pred môj objektív. Lokalitu mi dohodol Patrik a akú takú predstavu o nej som mala len z fotiek… no a výber styling-u prebiehal štýlom “doneste, čo máte a čo vás na padne a pozrieme sa na to”. S nadšením som potom v taške našla mikinu s nápisom VIBES a slúchadlá – oboje šťastnou náhodou so zelenými detailami! Na časť fotenia sa to teda nedalo nevyužiť a ako vidieť na fotkách, aj samotné priestory a najmä Ondřej bol skvelý. Niekto to v sebe proste má, byť pred objektívom prirodzený a fotogenický! Celé priestory boli rôzny mix stien, štruktúr, okien, umelého osvetlenia a farieb a fotiť tam bola naozaj výzva, prsy mi kmitali ako šialené, lebo som každú chviľu musela meniť nastavenie, ale ohromne som si to užila, pretože rada improvizujem a snažila som sa všetko využiť na maximum – jeho úchvatnú tvár, doplnky, rôzne pozadie, steny, farbu svetla… Good vibrations!!!  

Fotenie pre online fotokurz PORTRÉT KREATÍVNE – ak vás portréty bavia a baví vás byť kreatívny, improvizovať a skúsiť nové veci – tento kurz vám to ponúkne plnými priehršťami, verte mi 😉 Začíname 1.5. – prihlás sa TU.

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